


Our Party Officers were elected by the governing body of the 北卡罗来纳州民主党, 国家执行委员会, and work in collaboration with the Party staff to elect Democrats from Murphy to Manteo.



Anderson Clayton serves as the current chair of the 北卡罗来纳州民主党. Elected at 25 years old, Anderson Clayton is the youngest chair of a state democratic party. Chair Clayton grew up in Roxboro, North Carolina and graduated from Appalachian State University. 她曾为国会女议员凯西·曼宁(Kathy Manning)的国会竞选工作, in Iowa as a field 组织者 for the presidential campaigns of Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren, 然后是艾米·麦格拉思的参议员竞选. 在她被选为北卡罗来纳州民主党主席之前, 克莱顿主席曾担任珀森县民主党主席, 她的家乡. 克莱顿主席居住在罗克斯伯勒,北卡罗来纳州.


约拿 Garson, 教堂山本地人, 是一名律师, 组织者, 现任北卡罗来纳州民主党第一副主席.

从北卡罗来纳大学毕业后(09年), 约拿 曾在北卡罗来纳州大会为参议员. 众议员埃莉·金纳德. Paul Luebke和议长Joe Hackney. 约拿 spent time in NY while he attended Columbia Law (‘14); while he was away, 他帮助创建了Team4NC, which mobilized out-of-state donors and volunteers to support NC candidates, particularly those running in races critical to the state’s democratic revival.

约拿 returned to NC to serve as field coordinator for dozens of legislative challengers across the state, 2019年, he was Voter Protection Director for the special “re-do” election in NC’s 9th 国会选区,由于共和党选票造假而重选.   He then served as the First Vice Chair and Chair of the Orange County Democratic Party.

Currently, in addition to serving as First Vice Chair of the 北卡罗来纳州民主党, 约拿 practices law at Parry Law, PLLC, a civil litigation firm based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.  He also serves as the Governor’s Appointee on the North Carolina Education and Workforce Innovation Commission, 教堂山-卡伯勒全国有色人种协进会执行委员会成员, 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的参观委员会, 以及卡罗莱纳表演艺术国际顾问委员会.

第二副主席博士. 金伯利哈迪

Dr. 金伯利哈迪 was elected Second Vice-Chair of the 北卡罗来纳州民主党 in 2023. She also serves as the 2nd Vice-President for Democratic Women of North Carolina and was President of the Democratic Women of Cumberland County.  Dr. Hardy is also a former candidate for the North Carolina House of Representatives for District 43. 除了在NCDP的工作之外,Dr. Hardy is a former school social worker who now serves as an 协会iate Professor at Fayetteville State University’s School of Social Work where she teaches and focuses her research on the intersection of social work, 公共卫生, 和宗教/灵性. Dr. 哈代获得了博士学位 & BSW from Morgan State University and her MSW from The Ohio State University.


Elijah King is the Third Vice Chair of the 北卡罗来纳州民主党 and has held key leadership positions within the 北卡罗来纳州民主党, 包括州政府的执行委员会, 第四国会选区, 以及达勒姆民主党. He is a communications professional with a particular focus on government relations and digital organizing has worked in the private sector at Rising Tide Interactive through the midterm season of 2022 working with multiple other state Democratic parties, 民主党国会竞选委员会, 以及其他民主实体. Elijah is in the process of earning his bachelor’s degree at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.


Melvin Williams has been elected State Party Secretary for seven two-year terms which began on January 29, 2011.  He also writes, assembles, and publishes the popular GOOD NEWS ABOUT DEMOCRATS newsletter. Melvin served eight years as a Duplin County Party Chair and eight years as the Seventh Congressional District Party Chair before becoming our State Party Secretary.


丹尼斯·钱尼是北卡罗来纳州民主党的财务主管. She also serves as Vice Chair of the Cheeks Precinct in Orange County and previously served as the Assistant Treasurer of the Orange County Democratic Party. 一个土生土长的塔希尔人, 一个狂热的老爷车爱好者, 业余摄影师, and lifelong lover of the UNC Tarheels; she graduated with a Master of Public Health from the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. She spent 25 years at UNC Chapel and another 20+ in healthcare management and IT consulting.

Deniese was driven to become politically active after the 2016 elections, 意识到自己不能再袖手旁观了. 作为民主党人,她相信, 我们必须用我们所有的精力来分享我们的成就, 赢得选民支持, and combat misinformation if we expect to have a democracy after the 2024 elections. Deniese is committed to this agenda and bringing her energy and support to the NCDP team to help turn North Carolina Blue and expand our leadership in Washington.

协会. 县主席卡西·赖斯

Cassie Rice is the 协会iation of County Chairs President and Chair of the Orange County Democratic Party. 在一个政治家庭长大,  Cassie learned early on that government has the ability to improve all lives. 她的祖母, 特别是, taught her to give a voice to those who do not have one and to stand for what is right, 无论代价如何. Instilled with the passion that government can be a force for good and equality, Cassie began her professional career working for the campaign to re-elect Congressman David Price. 竞选结束后,她加入了众议员. Price’s staff and worked for seven years in both his Washington and Raleigh offices. She is the recipient of a master’s degree in political science from UNC and a master’s degree in European studies from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. Her graduate studies in Sweden allowed her to see first-hand how gender-neutral statewide policies have altered perceptions and interactions between the genders. 北卡罗来纳人, 凯西现在和她丈夫住在教堂山, 三个孩子, 还有两只狗. In her free time, she enjoys practicing yoga and spending time in nature with her family.


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